Finding Home Away from Home: Navigating Life Abroad and Building Connections in a New Country

Today I wanted to talk to you about moving abroad
and moving away from all your friends and family,
creating a new Social Circle in another country.
And by the way, I’ve gotten a cold,
so that’s why my voice is a bit.
This is my fifth day here in Copenhagen
and my family just left back to Norway.
So it was quite sad saying goodbye to them
because now I’m here by myself
or I have my best friend living downstairs,
so I’m very happy to have her.
We are going to do completely separate courses,
so we are kind of also doing our own thing in Copenhagen,
but we live in the student accommodation.
And then I really love meeting new friends from all over the world.
I just met some people from Argentina,
from Portugal, from Spain, Germany.
I love being in a international environment,
going to study in being a international course.
I feel like international people are always very out there
and want to meet new friends and yeah,
just connect. But I have to admit
it’s always a little bit sad when I have to say goodbye to my sister.
But fortunately it’s not far away from my way at all.
Looking forward to just getting into the study side of COVID 19
and especially coming from Norway
where I feel like a lot of people are a bit reserved for myself.
I have to be like socialising mood and I just need to turn It on for,
I mean, a couple of days
to get some new friends and then get more comfortable with, like, yeah,
today I can just chill inside or do my own thing,
like being on TikTok and making videos.
Just turn on your social battery for the first days,
because that’s really important.
That’s when you have to connect with people,
because everyone is put in the same position,
and everyone is kind of, this is a new space,
this is new people. And you don’t have a lot of friends when you move,
when you just move to another country.
So just turn on your social battery.
That’s my biggest tip.
Just created a WhatsApp group and added all the people.
So now we’re gonna hang out and do some things.
And some of my thoughts of moving abroad
and creating a comfortable space in another country.
And my study starts in, like,
two weeks, so I have days to just get in there and meeting new people
and maybe do some shopping and. Yeah,
just enjoying Copenhagen, so, yeah. Thanks for watching.