Monday Giveaway: Cherry Baco Delights from Panini Grill

Cherry one. Bonjour, Notuti.
It’s Monday, and like I promised last Monday,
I’m giving away two. Two free giveaways.
Okay, what am I giving away?
Honey Baco with crispy or grilled chicken. Okay,
I’m a man of my word. That’s right.
I’m sending out two of them.
Even though I just made one,
I’m sending out two of them.
Free giveaways every Monday.
Send me those requests who you think is in need.
Do not send it for yourself just cause you’re hungry
or just cause you follow me,
all right? That’s not a reason.
On the arm means free.
Remember one thing when you’re dining at Panini Grill.
Non de bro. Coupe it to the post.