Navigating Masculinity and Politics: The Unconventional Persona of Tim Walsh

Tim Walsh is very difficult for Republicans,
I think,
because he has these very clear signifiers of traditional masculinity.
The football coach, the hunter, uh,
the marksman, you know,
he wasn’t just a hunter. He’s actually quite a good shot.
24 years in the National Guard,
you know, also helps.
These kinds of traditional signifiers
are very difficult for Republicans,
and they immediately attacked walls.
It’s also that, you know,
masculinity and is changing as the rest of our culture is changing.
We’re going through this period where we’ve had,
you know, a black president,
a woman who ran in 2016 as the first woman democratic nominee,
and now we’ve got, once again,
a black woman is running. I mean,
we are.
We are experiencing rapid change in our sort of political culture,
and the Republicans do not want to see that change
because they don’t approve of it,
but also because they don’t benefit from it.