Navigating the Complexities of Promoting Music on Social Media: A Message to Fans and Future Supporters

yo I wanna chat about this
cause it’s really interesting point
and it’s completely how I feel about promoting music and social media nowadays
so basically in this context
the people in the red are like
people that are you super fans that watch every bit of content that you put out
I don’t have that anyways
people in the green are people that could potentially be fans of what you do
but just don’t know who you are
so for those of you who in the red
for me you probably know that I’ve got a track going out this Friday
so yeah
to you guys I just wanna let you know
thank you for bearing with
I know it’s a lot of content to put up with that I’ve been like
pummeling for like many months now
but yeah
you just have to understand that this is the only way for artists these days
to get their content out to as many people as possible
and yeah to anyone who doesn’t know who I am
I’ve got a new track coming up this Friday called ooh so stay tuned