Miniature Horses and AI Prank Calls: A Tale of Surreal Encounters

It wouldn’t be. Hello.
Over 150 pounds. It’s a miniature horse. Exact.
I just want to let you know,
you people are making me sick,
sick with these AI prank calls.
Sick, I tell you.
Because I’ve seen so many,
by the way. Horrible,
horrible ones. I saw someone the other day call as me
to a grocery store
and ask the worker for every single ingredient to make,
like, spaghetti carbonara.
And this man is running in circles finding all the ingredient.
It’s keeping me up at night. Like,
I know someone, somewhere
thinks that Tana Mojo
just called them at the front desk of their hotel
asking if she can bring her miniature horse.
And honestly, why is it, like,
kind of accurate? Like, Makayla,
just watch that. And he was like,
that that’s literally you.
Like, that’s literally a.
That’s a video of you. Like,
they’re not wrong. I’m sweating.
Just know I’m seeing all of them,
and I don’t. I definitely don’t love it.
You know what I mean? Like,
I understand the joke, but, um,
2024 is horrifying. Also,
if you do ever talk to my AI,
she’s so mean. And I just wanna let you guys know that I’m not. Bye.