Conversations with My Future Self: A Reflection on Choices, Struggles, and Resilience

sup little man
who the hell are you
I’m you
from the future
yeah I can tell
you look old we ain’t old
we just turned 30 what the heck happened to us
a lot
did I make it into the college I wanted to go to
and we flunked out anyway
are we rich or anything yeah
we’re healthy we got enough to get by
what the hell does that mean
it wasn’t the drinking was it
yeah the drinking ruined us
we didn’t get sober till 26, 27
well that’s ..
we can’t say that anymore why
long story will get cancelled
but hey
at least we never gave in to our thoughts
at least we’re still here
yeah we tried four or five times
but we were saved
cut the sh:t
we did not try to leave stop
what the hell happened thoughts got dark bro
but we’re still here am I still with um
no I
don’t say her name she cheated on you
what the hell why aren’t we ever good enough
I’m just gonna end it told you
we already tried
you just leave already I hate you
I hate you too
us too
but maybe the thought is why are we doing this to ourselves
what see ya