Exploring the Dangers of Two-Tier Justice in Contemporary Society

We’ve got two tier politics,
2 tier policing and 2 tier justice.
Let’s quickly ask you about the claims of two tier justice.
Are you comfortable with, um,
people being jailed for remarks on Facebook and,
and Twitter,
given the same kind of terms that are handed out to violent thugs?
No, I think it’s absolutely ridiculous.
I’ve been one of the strongest, uh,
critics of these policies.
It seems that you can rape people and not go to jail,
but if you put out a,
a piece of information that you in all seriousness thought was,
was genuine, it turns out to be incorrect.
If you’re from the right, then you get arrested.
If you’re from the left, uh,
from one of those sort of various organisations like hope not hate,
you put out deliberately misinformation like Nick Lows did,
um, then he didn’t even apologize for it.
Talk about threatening him,
uh, acid being thrown over a woman.
Absolutely appalling. We’ve got 2 tier politics,
2 tier policing and 2 tier justice.
And it’s a very, very dangerous,
slippery road to be going down.