Drama Unfolds at the Mosque: A Wedding Day Tale of Betrayal and Secrets

Guys, the bride said, I do, and the groom said, I do not. I’m so sorry for being long, but I had to wait for permission because you girl, this ain’t my sorry to tell, but we better get in through it. I’m on the main road because of the mosque. Cool. All I’m hearing is I’ll give you 10 minutes.

I’ll give you 10 minutes. I’m thinking it’s kicking off outside the mosque. Don’t play with me. So of course, I hit the step on you get me. I put a little scape on my little thing and that’s that is a little bit quicker because I’m trying to see what is going on. Where is the commercial coming from blah blah blah false alarm.

If literally this girl across the road, she’s on the phone, she’s standing by her car or someone’s car, don’t know, the door’s open and she’s cussing on the phone. So this girl’s in like a tracksuit. This girl don’t look like she comes to the wedding cool. But in my head, I’m thinking, I thought it was kicking off already and I’m thinking I’m late child these times I’m like 30 minutes early. Okay, 30 minutes early cuz your girls on time is anything.

I get onto Regents Park, mosque grounds, if you’ve been there, you know, like they got that big square courtyard spot. I’m seeing a bunch of girls, some of the girls are getting their jewel but put on because as I told you, the bride, some of her friends are not members. Since I didn’t understand why she wanted to hold your bad thing, but it does look cute if you deep it. Everyone was in like neutral colors. Your babes and the bride herself was in like all white one.

So I’m seeing the bunch of girls, but I don’t know them. You guys, I didn’t go up to them. I just kind of like, you know, like hail from over here. But I got straight on the phone because I’m thinking, where’s my Brethren? Where’s my friend? I call my friend.

She’s trying to find parking anywhere. She’s just trying to find someone to park. Cool. I said to her, I’m here in the grounds. I don’t see the bride at this point. I didn’t see the brides.

I’m just seeing a bunch of girls who I know, other guests. I was only waiting for about 2,3 minutes. You lot right? And then I’m seeing the mandom come out from the mosque. Actual thing, I think, cuz some people came from far, so they came out of the prayer area.

And then I saw the bride. I saw that I’m seeing the people there, right? So that I get cool. I’ll kick it out. QA, I don’t know if you guys have been to like where they did like the ceremonies Regions Park, but we all went there.

So my friend came, we all went up the stairs into the room or whatever the email, we’re just waiting for him to kind of like, you know, it’s not even, it’s already set up. Like the chairs are out, blah, blah, but everyone’s like taking their seat like, and I’m thinking, no, it might actually become like nothing is actually gonna happen. Cha Cha. The imam starts to start the ceremony. Okay, so he starts talking to everyone, addressing everyone, giving reminders.

You get it? Cuz reminders benefit the believers, period. Okay, I’m sat at the back of our little section.

So older friends, some of the family sat on one side. There’s a gap that you can walk and then there’s the people them on the other side.

So I’m sat, eh, sat at the back of the road. Yeah, because you say.

Right after the reminders are done and they start talking about like just wedding stuff, like if you’ve been to America before, you know, they start talking about like, you know, your rights as a woman and all of that, like just say I do fine again so we can leave. Yeah, cuz I’m trying to look at the brother, the groom himself is up there as well. So basically up there is the bride, the imam, the groom to be. So the bride to be, groom to be, the dad of the bride, and also the brother, like the sibling of the bride. They’re all set up on the stage bit.

Okay. All you’re hearing is like, you’re hearing vibration going off and I don’t know where the vibration going off, but the vibrations are just, it’s on a table. It’s one of them, not up. There’s phone is blowing off to the point where the imam even bustle a joke like the phone and like people are probably and maybe they’re late for the ceremony these times guys, is the groom himself like his phone keeps blowing off. He’s not answering in it.

He’s not to answering the phone but he keeps like read it forward and then like pushing some. So obviously silencing it. But anyway, his phone keeps going off. I’m looking at my Regina. Why is his phone going off?

Because me, a person, I would have taken it off the table and put in my pocket. Like why am I still allowing this block of some be on the table of vibrating up the thing to the point where the imam is giving a talk and he’s even mentioning your vibration. It wasn’t even a full two minutes after the first slide is going off.

And the girl on the main road is the track seat, pasar. Pasar walked in the door. And you can imagine every single person in there when all eyes on this girl because No. 1, you don’t even like your dress to be here, Han. Okay, number one. No. 2, her face looks like she has been crying for a week.

This girl looks like she’s about to do a mad thing because she just looks crazy. She came in and she stood there like this face has been running down. She’s been crying. She’s a mess. Right.

And one of the uncles at the front was like, like basically trying to tell her, come and sit down. She get like, sit down guys. I knew from there it was gonna go left. I knew from there it was gonna go left. Do you know what the girl come and tell us at all.

Do you know what she said? No. Do you know the girl refused to sit down. She said to her, this was the cousin. This was the cousin, by the way, because my bridging goes to me, oh my gosh, that cousin, I’m thinking, , I saw her up the road.

She said, so you’re gonna be the stepmum. Yeah, you’re gonna be the stepmum. You’re gonna be the stepmom. Yeah, you’re gonna be the stepmom. Yeah, she’s, her eyes are still running. You’re gonna be the stepmom. The uncle’s like, come and sit down. No, you’re gonna be the set mom.

You’re gonna be the set mom. She had the bride to be. You’re gonna be a stepmom? What do you mean? You gonna be a star? I’m at the bat thinking. Everyone’s talking, everybody is confusion.

The groom gets up from the stage and he basically walks to the door, like gesturing to the Dell in the tracksuit to come outside, the brother bribe the kid. Pop. She’s looking confused. The dad, bro, he could just about speak English. Hence why the brother was chilling with my magic.

So it was one of them ones where was like, everybody is like, I’m thinking no way in the mashed on this blessed day are we experiencing a. You gonna be set, mom. The girl is pregnant. The the X, the cousin is pregnant with the groom to be pitlet m.

So at this point, everybody starts to leave the room. The family starts to leave the room. Everyone one by one is starting to get up, kind of wondering what’s going on. The imam probably has never been in this situation before in his life. And he’s, they basically saying to the dad, like, you know, should we carry on?

Is the green coming back? What’s happening? The brother just intervenes and basically says, you know what, we’re just gonna take a bit of a break and we’ll resume, you know, just give us five minutes just to find that what’s happening. Rare. He stands up, he’s told, addresses all of us.

He’s like, guys, just stay sat down here. Not sure what’s happening. He’s trying to say, can’t, but you know, my man Rex, a low key because he’s clocked what’s going on and he’s basically telling his sister, which is the bride to be, like, yo, come, let’s talk about outside, guys. It didn’t happen because the groom ended up basically delivering a message to the brother, like telling the brother, look, I can’t get Rachel, sister. I don’t know what’s happening.

Rare like this is news to me. I don’t know what’s happening right now. I don’t know what’s going on. So I don’t wanna be getting married today. And the bride starts to buy all her Brethren. Stem was all consoling her. I’m there like, no, Sabah NASA, that mom.