Behind the Scenes of Lip Sync Drama: A Queen’s Honest Opinion

Can I ask you ashady question?
Out of lip syncswhere there’s beena double shantay,
or a triple shantay,
whatever the hell it is.
Mm hmm.
Do you have onewhere you think,
“No, you know what?”
“Someone should have gone home, actually!”
Season 10, the firstlip sync betweenme and Aquaria.
Oh okay!
She should have wentto the house, b**ch!
They kept her for…
I don’t know whythey kept her.
Probably ‘cause shewas whining aboutdouble shantays?
I mean, she did okay.
But the crowd was chanting my nameafter that lip sync
and I just knew I hadsent her to the house!
‘Cause that was my biggest competitionfor season 10,
in my eyes, you know?
I knew that she was
the projected winner.
Yeah, the edit onthat was weird…
It was weird because she failed at all kinds of s**t.
But honestly, you know…
She deserved tostay regardless.
She really turned itthe whole season,
she never lip synced.
At the end of the day,
I’ve had double shantays,
so, you know, I can’tsay nothing about it.
But I would have loved for her to go to the house!