Chaos at 30,000 Feet: The Tumultuous Tale of a Honeymoon Flight Delayed by Peanut Allergy Drama

put a finger down if you’ve ever been on your honeymoon with your husband
and you take a flight from Nice to Naples
and it’s an easy jet flight
and it’s supposed to be a quick 90 minute flight to get your next destination
and the plane pulls out of the gate and is about to take off
and a girl a couple rows behind you decides to have a little sweet treat
so she pulls out a sandwich but she didn’t read the ingredients in the sandwich
because she didn’t speak French
and she finds out that there’s peanuts in there
and she’s a peanut allergy
so she starts to have an allergic reaction
and they have to give her an oxygen mask
and turn around and bring her back to the gate
so you turn around you go back to the gate
this girl and her family get off the plane
and it’s been 45 minutes and you’re wondering what’s happening
because this girl and her family got off of the plane
and then you find out that the flight attendant
who tried to help this girl with her allergic reaction by giving her an Epipen
accidentally gave herself the injection of Epipen
instead of the girl who needed it for her allergic reaction
so then they have to call the medics for the flight attendant
and then a flight attendant has to go to the hospital too
so they have to replace the flight attendant
because you can’t fly with less than four flight attendants
so then you’re waiting for the new flight attendant to arrive
and as you’re waiting for the new flight attendant to arrive
a man at the back of the plane is starting to get agitated
he has no idea what’s going on
because he doesn’t speak the language
so he asks to speak to the pilot
the pilot goes to speak to the man
he’s freaking out and he gets in an altercation with the pilot
and then the pilot has to call the police
and kick this man off the plane
and get this man arrested
so now you’re waiting for the police to come
to get this man arrested to get this man off the plane
while you’re still waiting for the new flight attendant to arrive
so the police arrive this man gets arrested
it’s been a little over an hour
and the new flight attendant arrives
and everyone’s excited and everyone’s
we’re ready to go but then you find out that the two pilots can’t fly anymore
because they’ve maximized their time
so now you have to replace the two pilots
and have to wait for two more pilots to arrive
and then it’s been a little over two hours
and the new pilots arrive
but we can’t fly yet because we wasted all of our fuel
so they have to refuel the plane
and refill up the oxygen tank
that the girl used who had the allergic reaction
as soon as they refuel the entire plane
it’s now been a little over three hours
and you’re ready to go and you wasted your entire day sitting on the plane
and what was supposed to be easyjet
ended up being the most difficult planeflight of the entire time
of your life because a girl had a peanut allergy