Stand-Up Comedy: Finding Common Ground in Church and Comedy

I actually started doing stand up in churches. Um,
I know, very demure. Uh,
I started doing stand up in churches
and I’m not religious anymore,
but I grew up in church and uh, I.
I hope nobody thinks, based on the tour,
that I’m like
making fun of growing up in church or religion in a negative way,
cause I, I think I do it pretty affectionately.
Like, um,
I like, I’m not one of these people.
I’m not really like an atheist.
I just don’t know what happens and I just don’t.
I just. It’s just certainty.
I just don’t like confidence,
that’s really what it is. Hahaha.
Not like anyone who’s like,
I know what happened. Yeah, yeah,
yeah, you don’t.
But I hate it when, like, you know,
atheists or agnostic people are like,
you’re dumb if you believe in god.
I’m like, no,
I’m dumb. Like,
my religious family members are like,
god got me through the hardest years of my life.
And I’m like, that’s why I talk about Gilmore Girls, like,
and I capitalize both G’s.
Like, it’s important to me,
that show.
But I, I do have a lot of, uh,
Christian family members and my uncle is a pastor.
He just came to a show of mine in San Francisco.
Really? He’s a pastor and he’s a very good.
He’s like a cool, progressive,
really creative sermons. Like,
he’s so good at his job
and he’s really the only Person in my life that I feel like
can sort of relate to my job as a stand up.
Cause all my other friends are like teachers and doctors and lawyers
and like me and Jim, I feel like we can talk shop a little bit
cause we’re both public speakers,
you know, we’re both out there changing lives.
Yeah. Um,
no, our his,
his, his,
his speeches are way higher stakes.
I know that. Yeah, yeah.
I’m up there like dating is weird and he’s like hell is hot.
But he’s, he’s really.
He’s really good who it does.
And every time I see him I’m like
we’re pretty like we can. Yeah, yeah.
I’m like, how was the early show this weekend?
He’s like, do you mean first service?
Why? I just noticed you had a heckler on that late show, Jim.
And he’s like, that was just someone yelling amen and hallelujah.
I’m like, yeah,
but they were interrupting and that’s the worst kind of heckler
cause they’re. Cause they’re supportive but disruptive.
And he’s like, I guess that’s true.
And I’m like it. I see you Jim,
I get you. We are the same.
We’re the same. Yeah.