Murder and Mystery on Reality TV: A Review of ‘Things Went Dark’ by Bea Fitzgerald

Hello and welcome back to me tackling my extremely out of hand TBR.
Today. I picked up then things went Dark,
which is the first adult book by Bea Fitzgerald,
who is also the author of Girl Goddess,
Queen and the End Crowns all.
This is a murder mystery thriller book
which follows the contestants of a fictional reality T V.
Show, both during their time on the show
and in the aftermath of one of the contestants being murdered
whilst on the island. Overall,
I did really enjoy this book.
The concept was so interesting,
and generally I do think it was executed well.
The characters were mainly all pretty unlikable,
but you could tell that this was intentional
and they were still really interesting to read about.
My main criticism with this book
was that it just felt a little bit too long.
Despite being a really gripping concept,
it did feel a little bit slow in the middle.
And unfortunately, it did feel like at times
these pacing issues
were worsened by the fact that we had the two storylines
both during the show and after the show.
However, the ending more than made up for any of these issues.
I absolutely loved it,
and overall I had a really good time with this book.