Enhancing Lead Generation with Promo Code Redemption: A New Feature on Instant Forms!

Check out this new lead form option.
On the ending screen, there’s an option for redeem promo code.
This is the final screen a new lead will see.
After completing your instant form.
You might normally provide a general link back to your website
that most people will ignore,
but this allows you to reward people with a promo code they can redeem
on your website.
You can provide the URL for where that offer can be redeemed
and the promo code.
Then a button to copy the code will appear on the form.
So the lead can click that button at the bottom of your form
to go to your website and redeem your code.
There is so much potential for this.
The lead magnet itself could be a discount
in exchange for contact information,
or this could be a completely unexpected surprise
after someone subscribes to something else.
There have been several updates to instant forms recently,
and this is a good one. If you need help with your AD strategy,
book some time with me. Go to johnloomer com slash coach.