Lego Studio Chronicles: Sunday Landscaping and Module Building

Alright, it’s Sunday
and I’m trying to figure out what we’re gonna do
here in the Lego studio.
I’ve been working on some stuff around the beach,
which is looking good, and also around the Cove here,
the water by the White House and also the harbour,
made some upgrades to the train yard as well,
started working on that and also this mountain right back there.
However, there’s no details anywhere yet.
It’s just like base construction
and I think today I wanna work on some landscaping.
So I think
I’m actually gonna pull these
giant modules of the mountain to my desk.
That is six modules there and I’ve got another six to build.
So this thing is gonna be massive,
but I think I wanna work on detailing one of the sections
just so I can start to visualize what it’s gonna look like.
But that looks pretty sweet.
I can’t wait to fill all this white table space.
That’s the end goal, of course. Ha!
Slowly but surely we’re getting there.