Tea Time Chats: Memories, Laughter, and Future Travels

And a time per tea time with mom and Brad. Me.

But kms.

And I’m Brad the Koda comedian. So what’s in your team up today?

Let me bend and breathe. Help sweet breathe.

My tea is a Scottish blend together as a black tea. And with the mug, I have a photo of me and my dad. And we were younger.

Plenty. They give bad. They really event family deserve. And in fact, it is in fact between me.

So people always ask us, where are you from? Cubs. We’re both born and raised Chicago. I love Chicago. I lived in DC for 4 years, but I moved back, got married, settle down here for, be close to the parents, close to my friends and of course, close to the Cubs. Always fun. 2016. Yeah, I lived right next to where it was. I got to see it and hear it live in person. A lot of fun. Yeah, cool. So what’s your favorite part? Being deaf.

I like a big dad.

เสร็จเต็มไปสิเออ. แต่ก็หวังจะเจฟเฟอร์แลนด์คือครั้งแรกเริ่มเออ. นะเออ. นาทีจริง.

She’s deaf from birth. 0,100%,110%. Yeah.

เฮ้ยจะด่าแปล. Well.

Music is great, but hearing crying babies on airplanes, jackhammers, loud noises, you’re not missing it, trust me. You’re good.

To prove it to him. So where do your family feel bad? Perfect.

I would love to fly. I would love to just fly like a bird, fly, see cool places from way up above. I always think I like buying the new places, traveling, seeing new things. So I would enjoy flying, I think. What about you?

85, loud. Yeah, I’m afraid if we didn’t get the help.

Noisy nose.

Loving gossip.

Gone before probably New Zealand. I was beautiful there. We went to South Island. I was overwhelmed by how beautiful their nature. There was some amazing. I loved it. I loved it. Where I wanna go? Oh, I wanna travel to Europe. I wanna go to Asia. Oh, so many places in the world. I would.

Just love the business. We were.

Supposed to go to Ecuador to, both of us together with my wife and my dad was supposed to go and then pandemic hit. So South America too is.


What about you? Where do you wanna travel.

Every day? Go every, then the. รู้สึก. อ้าวฟินถึงเออแต่แฟนจะเพิ่งจะจืด. Perfect use.

No. So I’m curious, what was life like for you growing up? Death, how did you feel?

Well, that we can. เพื่อแจ้ง. ลืมไปแล้วอือเฟินทุกเรื่องเออเออแกเพิ่ง. แต่เบลฟี่ไลฟ์เพิ่ง. ก็คือตึกเอ้อเพิ่งเป็นประดิษฐ์. แต่เป็น. เออก็. เสียดาย. ถ้าปฏิเสธ.

What’s sign language? I don’t know.


How do you sign a, B.

C? Right? Okay. It’s a very fact.

Yeah, ADC.

Oh my God.

Oh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. My, my sorry, my fault. Eh, do it. Okay, fine. I can do it backwards to.


2. A perfect.

Good. Prohibited.

Good. Well, now that I have my mother’s approval, we’re satisfied. Send us questions for the next tea time and maybe we’ll answer it for you. Send us your questions, we’ll be happy to answer it. And of course, enjoy your tea, coffee, or if you’re into that coffee, too. So.

Bend the pen.

So enjoy your hot drink, whatever you want. Have a one good day.