Book Review Marathon: The Year of Catching Up with Five Reviews at a Time

I have not reviewed books at all the whole year
so I’m going to start making videos with five books on each video
until I catch up so these are the first five
Starting the year with a banger that needs no introduction
because Jade City is one of TikTok’s favorites
for all of you who might not know it
this is an Asian version of Godfather with magic powers
and it’s urban fantasy but is not set in
our world is urban fantasy
in another world the interfamiliar drama
and the enmity between the two big families are the core of this story
I love the characters their interactions
the crazy family
that is the Kaul family and the consequences of this magic system
the only thing I did not like was that there was a fight I was dying to see
and when it gets there it was so disappointing
I didn’t like that
then it came into the sunken city by Dinesh Thiru
this is a YA sci-fi horror
it didn’t feel like horror to me
but when I was describing some of these scenes people told me
I have thalassophobia so this going to be a no for me
the plot of the story is that while trying to fight climate change
some scientists figg it up and it starts raining none stop
for years and years and years
to the point that the level of the water starts rising and rising
and some cities and country get completely swallowed by the sea
our main characters find themselves in a difficult situation
so they have to dive under the sea to get some treasures to keep living
but life under the sea has been developing
so it’s a YA but beware
then I read Malice by John Gwynne
I started the book and for the first 400
500 pages I felt like I was missing the hype because yes
there was a big range of characters
there was a big world building
lots of history there were things that were moving but not moving on
so I was not getting it but then it gets to 200 pages
150 pages towards the end
things really start moving
things really start happening
and it left me feeling like Book 2 would have a completely different pace
this had the whole feeling of classic fantasy
the Chosen one good against evil
found family animal companions
and I know I’m going to love Book 2 much more than book 1
Wolf Hole by Hillary Mantel
this is the whole plot between Henry and Anne Boleyn and Karina Derajon
from Thomas Cromwell’s POV
and to me it was great
I gave it 5 stars but it’s probably not as good
unless that you’re listening to it in audiobook
because the narrator plays it perfectly
and then it came my first DNF of the year
chains of blood I didn’t care about the characters
I didn’t care about the plot
I didn’t care about anything that was going on
so I think 60% through I DNF it
I cared so little about what was going on that to this day
I don’t remember what the book was about
I just remember that the wizards had magic in them
they did this fool and things happen
they have no limit no control
the magic just fool
five books done, more than 60 to go