Creamy Ritz Chicken: A Crock Pot Delight

I got this recipe from Michaela Thomas Fit.
And this is Crock Pot Ritz chicken.
We’ve had it before. It is so good.
So here I have four thinly sliced chicken breast.
I put them in the Crock Pot,
and I added garlic powder,
onion powder, and then this seasoning from Kinder’s
called the All Purpose Butcher Seasoning.
Now I’m gonna mix together the, like,
sauce that goes on top of the chicken.
Last time, I used cream of chicken soup like she called for,
but I am out this time, and I don’t have time to go to the store.
So we’re gonna do one can of cream of mushroom soup.
Next we’re gonna add about 10 or 11 ounces of this Greek yogurt.
You can also use sour cream.
But last time, I made it with this Greek yogurt,
and it turned out really good.
So usually I use the little single serve cups of the yogurt,
and I am out of that.
So I just filled up this mushroom soup can with the yogurt
just to measure it so I didn’t have to get out my food scale.
Half of a ranch seasoning packet,
and then you’re just going to mix everything together,
spread that mixture over the chicken.
I promise you guys trust the process.
I like using the Greek yogurt
because it adds a lot of extra protein to the meal. Overall.
You’re gonna crush up one whole sleeve of Ritz crackers.
Regular or reduced? Fat.
This is the regular. Melt half a stick of butter,
and then you’re gonna add your Ritz crackers to the butter
and just give it, like,
a little bit of a mix.
I’m gonna evenly add this cracker mixture over all of the chicken.
You want it to look like that.
And now you’re gonna cook it either on high for two to four hours
or low for 6 hours. I’m gonna do low for six,
and I’ll come back and show you guys what it looks like when it’s done
and what we’re having it with.
And here’s dinner done. So this is after six hours on the low.
We’re having it with corn,
and I’m serving it over white rice.
It is so good. It tastes way better than it looks.
Um, I feel like the Crock Pot is coming in clutch.
My kids have been back in school for, like,
a month now, almost,
and with all of our activities starting back up and sports,
we need quick and easy, and this is just one of our favorites.
Everyone loves it.