Diving Deeper: The Impact of Director’s Cuts on Movie Theatrical Releases

really casual movie goer um
the the original movie that gets put in theaters is the theatrical cut
that movie might have a lot more involvement from the studio
from producers changing out scenes
cutting things shorter a lot of times
they want movies to fit a certain run time
so that they can play at a certain amount of times per day and make more money
in theaters you get a lot of times
especially in the past you get directors cut coming out afterwards
maybe on DVD like a second disc
and it would be their director could suit it more to their vision
and not have to worry about as much of those things
so yeah
and really Scott is the guy who’s done with the most
he’s most people know Blade Runner
when it came out in theaters
had a narration and then he’s like
I don’t like that and he just took it out for the change
got a change that so much better
they change the ending too
and Blade Runner has like three or four different cuts
a lot of different versions it’s like