Navigating the Intersection: The Millennial Role in Technology and People Adaptation in the Digital Era

sometimes I feel like I’m a bit of a walking contradiction
I am firmly a millennial who has been ridiculed
pretty much my entire life for caring too much about technology
and not enough about people
yet in the world of digital transformation
I am quite possibly one of the most loud and obnoxious voices
talking about the people side of technology implementation
and I think the reason why
is because
the millennial generation is nicely sandwiched in this very unique spot
we were young enough to grow up with technology for most of our lives
but we’re old enough to have not have the same reliance on it that we see today
and that combination has made us appreciate when and where
the people matter most in the world of technology
we were the OG generation that figured out what you send as a text message
versus what you say face to face with someone
and now as we’re all in our careers
we’re centered in this middle spot
where we’re helping people older than us figure out how to use technology
but then in the corporate setting
we’re also helping all of the people who are younger than us
that have never had to interact with technology the way that they do
in the workplace we are uniquely situated to find the gaps
in the way that we’re rolling out technology
and to me the most glaring gap is how we manage the people side of change
I can’t be the only millennial that feels like we’re in this middle spot
and that we’re kind of uniquely qualified to help lead this charge
of how we balance technology and humans