Conquering the Puzzle: A Frustrating Attempt at the Black Figurine Challenge

I have still not seen anyone beat this game.
What we gotta do is get this black figurine
to push these boxes onto these X’s.
However, watch this. Watch.
So if I go over here and I move this box,
then I come back around here and I move this box.
I can’t grab this box here
because I can’t go between these gaps to push him into the X.
You got 15 seconds to do it.
So let’s see if we can figure this out.
We can push these two in there.
But now I can’t move this box because this box is at the end.
You see what I mean? So if I try like this.
Bang! And then bang!
And then a bang! The same happens.
I can’t now get either of these.
So what am I meant to do? Do I do this?
Oh my God. Wait,
no, I’m joking,
I’m joking. Ah, no.
I could have done that, but I didn’t get there in time.
I used like 99% of my brain there as well.
That is so frustrating. I nearly did it.