Book Review: A Disappointing Love Story – A Critical Analysis

you guys know I tell it like it is
so today I am here to review a novel
love story I know you’ve seen the mixed reviews
and guess which team I’m on
if you guessed on the hate side
you guessed correctly as I’ve been reading now
instead of just annotating things that I’ve liked
I’ve also been annotating things that I don’t like
or just writing how I feel about the book or the chapter in the margin
so we’re gonna go through this
and I’m gonna explain why I didn’t like this
I rated it a two out of five
by the way and I am reviewing this as a seven year slip lover
I love that book it’s one of my favorite books of the year
I think it’s one of the best romcoms I’ve read in my life
so don’t it’s not that I don’t like Ashley Paulston
this far into the book and we were already full fledged forced proximity
there was no like
build up to this she almost hit the man with her car
and then all of a sudden
she was staying at his crib because there was nowhere else to stay
I don’t think so by the way
this follows a bookworm who is going to her annual book club retreat
and then accidentally drives into the town
that is the town of her favorite book series
my biggest issue was that hello
are we drive her on golf cart bro
my biggest issue was that I didn’t understand any of the characters
that were constantly referenced
because it was a fictional story in a fictional book right
so we’re talking about all of these fictional characters
that are fictional to the fictional character
so it’s like
multi dimensioned and I don’t know anything about the books that she read
because I didn’t read them cause they don’t actually exist
so she just kept talking about these characters that I knew nothing about
and she was interacting with them
like in the little world
but ugh
another less of an issue more of a suggestion and not a criticism
is that this should have been marketed as a fall read and not a summary
because it is literally
about a woman who falls in love with a fictitious boyfriend
a book boyfriend he
who owns a bookstore be so serious
thing about the timing too
you don’t really get the female main characters background until like
around here and it
she kept talking about her ex
and I didn’t know who her ex was
so she started gapping about him
and then it flashed back
but I couldn’t sympathize with her until the backstory was given
and then I was like well okay
but I didn’t feel bad now I still don’t feel bad
I just couldn’t remember any of the characters in this book for the life of me
like who was Lily
I don’t know I
I think it’s the kid but just midway through
I was still confused as to who was who
and I didn’t know if that was a me issue or the book issue
but I did blame it on the book because I read a lot
you know what I’m saying I I
I can I can remember characters pretty well
like unless it’s a thriller where it’s a who done it
and I have to figure out who is who is who
and make a character web so that I can understand the character dynamics
and I’m trying to figure out
solve the mystery I shouldn’t have to be doing a diagram
I feel like there are two reasons that a reader can dislike a book
and something distasteful can happen that they didn’t want to happen
or can just be bad and this was just bad to me
it wasn’t that I didn’t like what was happening
I think that the idea was very good
but the way it was executed was bad
I I also like her writing a lot
but still this just felt so much cheesier than the seven year slip
which was so unique and original
dude stop driving around like that
there was just a puzzle piece missing between the readers
knowledge of the book series that our main character loved in this
this book I don’t know
I can’t be expected to know everything about an entire book series
that doesn’t exist I
I just can’t
I also had a huge problem with uh
Chapter 28 like
why is the opening line who tasted like mint and black tea
I just I hated it
the entire chapter just felt so juvenile
and just the whole book was not fluid in the way that seven year slip was
like I was flipping the pages
just waiting just waiting to get where I wanted to be
and I was hooked the whole way through
this was so disappointing
and I’m honestly so sad but I do love the seven year slip
and I would recommend that to literally everyone
but this is a disappointment
um I still haven’t read a Dead Romantics
I have it on my TBR I think that I’ll like it so stay