Navigating the US College Admission Process: A Guide for Jamaican Students

If you are in Jamaica and you want to attend college in the US
and you don’t want to pay anyone to help you,
it going to have to do the work,
and it’s a lot of work. And the first thing you’re supposed to know, um,
before you start looking on colleges is what you want to study.
Is it nursing? Is it business?
Is it, um,
being a. I’ll just medical school.
That’s the first thing you need to know.
Because you’re gonna have to go on Google or Yahoo
and start looking for schools that are.
That have this, um, major.
That’s the first thing you’re going to do.
Because you can’t just look for a random school and then apply to it
and then the school don’t have the major.
That’s the first thing you’re gonna have to do.
Secondly, when you have found the school that you want to attend
and have your major,
the second thing you need to do is to contact the international office.
The international office is there to assist students.
They help you to get your visa,
I believe the J1, um,
visa or the F1. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Right. They help you with that.
They tell you if there is any scholarships depending on where you go.
Right. Um,
especially if you go to public schools,
they don’t have a lot of assistance for international students.
Well, there are international students who do get the aid,
but Again, you have to do the work.
You could go on LinkedIn. LinkedIn and look up schools.
You could find the emails.
All you have to do is be like,
for example, if you want to talk to a international office in New York.
So, for instance,
you’re looking at NYU. You type of NYU International office email,
find that email, send that email,
or call. Right.
So you’re gonna have to get information of what you need to do. Again,
it’s a lot of work, and I.
This is why people, um,
sell their services. And finding these schools,
you have to know what, um.
What state you want to go. What.
Bless you, Mama.
Um, how are you gonna fund your education
if you’re not going to get scholarships?
But I’m trying my best to help students.
So please, if you know somebody who’s looking to go to international, um,
school, going to a college international,
comment your questions. Um,
I’ll find them, I’ll respond to them.
Um, I can’t always respond to emails and DMs.
What? Leave your question.
Send this to somebody who’s looking for information.
I’ll try my best to assist you guys as much as you can,
but you guys gonna have to do the work.