Love Island Reunion Recap: Drama, Receipts, and Controversy

Morning! Happy Tuesday!
I’m so annoyed.
I filmed my whole entire coffee video and it got deleted.
All the clips. But anyways,
let’s debut the Love Island reunion.
Also, I got a little baby Stanley so I can take my coffees on the go
because I do hate using those plastic cups.
Like, I cringe every single time.
So I got this instead. Anyway,
first order of business, the Nicole Candle situation.
That was the hardest watch ever.
And, Nicole,
you were a very weird person.
To make someone getting exposed like that about you is crazy work.
It’s actually crazy work. And to say that you.
You love them, that you don’t.
I don’t know. That was so weird.
Did not like it at all. She’s like,
well, I got hate comments, too.
Yeah, so you got a hate comment.
He got exposed to millions of people on top of hate comments.
I promise you, you’re not the victim of the situation,
so please cut that right there.
That was so odd. Um,
also, why is it literally fall?
It’s 62 degrees right now.
I’m, like,
weirded out. Second Janae whipping out the packet of receipts.
She is not serious. And I’m actually obsessed with her.
Like, I love her.
Also, I swear I’m not an errand defender.
Like, he is horrible,
but he’s like, yeah,
I was going through a hard time.
My grandpa died, and Liv goes, well,
that’s how Taylor felt the whole time in the Villa.
So it’s actually not the same.
It’s actually not the same thing.
So how about we say rest in peace
and then we move forward? Like,
I just felt like that was a very inappropriate time to, like,
try to throw something back at him,
even though I guess it was a little bit manipulative.
Not I. Not on purpose,
but it kind of was, like,
bad timing to bring something like that up,
because then it’s like, now you can’t really get criticism
because everyone feels bad for your loss,
but just say sorry for your loss and move on.
Cause I just felt like it was not the right time to try to, like,
jab at him even more. I don’t know.
He looks so torn down and defeated.
Like, I kind of felt bad for the man.
Like, his face just looked sad.
I don’t know. Also,
that little on air fire pit moment,
I get trying to pull up the receipts.
We didn’t need 30 minutes.
We did not need 30 minutes.
Like, clear my sis Leah’s name and let’s move forward.
But that was entirely too long. Anywho,
overall, I love the reunion.
Love Island. Y’all know,
I watch every single season of Love Island,
and they always pick and choose when to do reunions.
There needs to be a reunion every single time.
There’s always drama to rehash.
And I think the way that they set up this reunion,
like, actually officially, like,
A housewife kind of vibe. So perfect.
Love Island UK. Please take notes.
Please take notes.
They’re always doing something weird with the reunion,
like, put the reunion in.
Come on. Anyways,
loved it. Sorry that my coffee video had to be on the go.
I literally drank all of this on my way,
but that’s because of technical difficulties.
Love you all. See you later.