Valerie’s Thoughts: Greta Thunberg, Flying Green, and Footprint Humor

Hi y’all, it’s Valerie.
Ask Valerie. Isn’t this fun?
I have another question. I have another question for brace
be right. Ask me.
Greta Thunberg. Greta. Thumb,
thumb, thumb.
I don’t wanna list with that name,
do you? Greta Thunberg.
Friend or foe? I don’t know.
Is that that little girl?
Is that that little girl that goes on boats and things like that?
She goes on a boat and. And then flies back for the great make.
What is it? Eco green,
green something trying to save the planet.
I don’t really care too much about her. Haha.
I love a footprint haha.
If I don’t see a footprint when I leave an aircraft,
I’m not happy haha.