Embracing Peace and Relaxation: Finding Happiness in Doing Less

I think that as a people
I think we’re obsessed with progress
when we really should be obsessed with peace
I like
listen to this quote the other day that was like
or maybe it was a podcast and
and it like
clicked for me it was like
how are you really happy in life
and you’re really happy in life when you take a second to be like
how can I be more relaxed right now
in this moment when I heard that
I was like
how can I be more relaxed right now
like what do I need to do to be more relaxed right now
and I realise that the answer that is breathing is breathing
it’s not doing more doing more doesn’t make you more relaxed
nuh uh doing more makes you stressed
it’s not good you’re doing too much
okay so maybe instead of doing so much
we need to do less okay
speaking of which my new favourite affirmation has been
the less I do the more I get
it’s been my favorite new affirmation
because I think it’s also in line with that same principle of just like
how can you be more relaxed right now
maybe that’s the secret to this whole little game