The Mystical Beings of Aztec Mythology: Unveiling the Power, Justice, Sacrifice, and War of the Four Winds

Today, in Aztec mythology,
we’re talking about the four winds,
aka the four head honchos of the Aztec pantheon.
And to be clear, the four winds are not four brothers.
I know Wikipedia will tell you that,
but Wikipedia is wrong and it’s dumb.
And if you see a video of someone saying the four winds were brothers,
they use Wikipedia and they shouldn’t be trusted.
Pick up a book. It’s the best way to get the truth.
Speaking of picking things up,
my son has now decided to join this video,
so let’s continue. Ruler of the North Wind was Tats got the polka,
the Smoking Mirror. He was the god of magic, darkness,
shape shifting jaguars, masculinity.
He was a god of war, and he was the god of kings and rulers.
He was the god of power. The ruler of the west was his rival,
Quetzalcoatl. The feathered serpent.
He was the god of justice,
wind, and wisdom.
And no, he wasn’t an actual feathered serpent.
Many gods like that’s got the poke and cats out,
what were named after their most powerful weapon.
In Cats Out, what’s instance,
he had a magical mace that could turn him into a giant dragon.
The feathered Serpent. For that’s got the poke,
he had a magical obsidian mirror,
the smoking mirror, that could see the future.
Other gods were named after the people they ruled over,
like the Lord of the east, Shipetotec,
the Lord of the flayed ones.
Shipetotec was the god of agriculture and sacrifice.
And do not ask me who the flayed ones were.
I do not know.
All I know is that his priest would flay people and wear their skins.
But for a more magical aspect of that,
I don’t know when I’m scared to dive into it.
Finally, the Lord of the South.
Huitzilopochtli, the hummingbird of the left,
or the hummingbird of the south.
We tell a poochly, quite simply,
is the god of war. As for why he’s called the hummingbird of the south,
my theory is that the hummingbirds are the spirit animals of warriors.
Therefore, god of war, soldiers.
As for of the left or of the south.
A lot of people believe that left and south were underhanded,
violent things that could not be trusted.
So pretty much, he’s a warrior,
but he is a violent and mean warrior.
So, to recap,
the gods of the four winds represented power,
justice, sacrifice,
and war. And once again,
their names were. That’s katipoca,
the smoking mirror. Wezilup.
And once again, their names were. Tetzcatlipoca,
the smoking mirror. Quetzalcoatl,
the feathered serpent. Chichipatec,
the god of. Let me try that again.
Once again, their names were.
That’s got to pop up. The smoking mirror.
Gets out of coat, the feathered serpent.
Ship, a totem.
The Lord of the flight ones.
And we sit a pochli, the hummingbird of the south.
Have a magical day, everyone.
Thank you, Peter.