Eating Healthy and Protecting Your Peace: A Conversation on Wellness

Word in the microbiome
has you been eating pretty healthy these last couple days?
Yeah, man,
I have. What is that gotta do with you, though?
I’m here to take away from me?
I’m actually here to congratulate you.
I’m proud of you, man. Oh,
yeah? You know what?
Every hard worker comes a hard player, right?
No, no,
it ain’t too much. It ain’t too much.
Whatever you are,
it’s your favorite, man.
I’ll take it. Keep doing good.
Enjoy yourself. Enjoy yourself, man.
When you work hard, play hard.
Yeah, one or two couldn’t hurt.
I have one of these in a minute.
Let me see what the back is looking like, though.
I’m trying to. Why.
Why are you reading the back of it, though?
I’m just trying to check what the back’s looking like.
No, but you don’t gotta read the back of it, though, man.
That’s like going on vacation after you work,
like 5 months straight
and then checking your bank account every time you want,
you making a purchase. Like,
just enjoy the vacation, bro.
Like, this is vacation for you, right?
I guess, but, like.
So enjoy it, bro.
Like, you got it.
But you get all fired up, protect your peace, man.
Cause, like, you.
You were talking that. That you.
You were. You serious about protecting your peace, right?
Yeah. That don’t follow suit.
You reading the back of it don’t got nothing to do with what you.
What your Goals are right,
you know. No,
I don’t, bro.
Like you. You.
You. You sound serious to me.
It just. It comes off on serious.
You want to protect your peace?
That’s not protecting your peace.
Are. You can’t even pronounce half the.
Half the ingredients. But you can’t pronounce a lot of.
You can’t pronounce a lot of things.
Like pronounce sanctimonious. Sanct.
What does it have to do with anything?
Case in point. Case in point.
So don’t read the back of the label, man.
Just. Just.
Just sometimes know that knowing less is more.
Sometimes ignorance is very bliss.
And you’re.
You’re removing the veil of ignorance that protects your peace.
Oh, my god.
And personally, I don’t like seeing that. Right?
I don’t like seeing that for you, right?
Whatever. Cause it ain’t about me, bro. It never was.