Discovering Screen Studio: The Ultimate Screen Recording Tool for Mac and iOS

if you do any screen recording on your computer you need to know about this tool
I’ve been seriously looking for this tool for ages and I finally found it
so you know how
like the screen zooms in every time you click on something or hover over it
this is the tool and I love how this tool is really easy to use
so you have a couple of options to choose
like the display where you don’t need to like fiddle around with the settings
you just start recording on either display
so if you have two
then just click on the other um window and like selecting specific areas
this is like a tool for um Mac Macbooks and iOS and it just looks really nice
so like this is uh if you wanna record your camera as well
this is the recording and see how it zooms in
and it moves along with your uh mouse as well
so the tools called Screen Studio and it’s not sponsored but I really
really love using this tool
it is a paid one but I think it’s highly worth it if you use it quite often
just been a tool that I’ve been looking for for ages
and I can’t believe like no one’s spoken about this
many people online were recommending tools like cantasia
which I bought and tried to use it
but I couldn’t cause it looks so like boring and technical
this one just looks beautiful and easy to use
whereas all the other ones just look really old
I am curious what tool you’re using to record your screen
because I see so many cool things out there
I would love to use um
the cam to record a TikTok as well
a lot of tools seem to only cater towards like desktop
but yeah let me know what tool