Project 2025: Unveiling an Agenda of Conservative Change

Hey, y’all sell. I’m back again with more documents. Nobody should have ever told me how to do this. It is your fault that a random uncle is on your timeline or for you page every day with more documents in a green screen. It’s your fault I didn’t do this.

But I’ve got the project 2025 PDF. It’s here. It’s here. This document is probably written by Satan himself. I think probably written by Satan with the blood of angels on paper made from, I don’t know, puppies. It’s an evil document, but let’s break it down and talk about it. So I’m pretty sure you probably heard the term, at least Project 2025. So this here is page for the document.

This is the table of contents. And this is just a little brief overview of some of the things that this document talks about. The first thing we see is taking the reins of government, essentially taking over the White House and all political functions that go with it along. But the government. Then Section 2, the common defense, this is all about homeland security, defense of the state, defense of the republic. All these things for defense that they feel that we need, which as I break down more of them and go into this document further, there’s a lot, you’ll see that there’s a lot that they wanna do.

Now, this whole entire document is over 900 pages. I think it’s at 900 to 20 pages. So I’m not gonna go over everything this single page here, but brief overview of some things that are here.

So then we got Section 3, the general welfare. They’re gonna talk about what they wanna do with the department of Agriculture, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Urban Housing, Department of the interior, the department of justice, the department of Labor, Transportation and better interferes. There’s plans to change a lot of stuff that we know is in existence right now in American life.

Then we get to section for the economy. They’re going after the department of Commerce, Treasury, the Federal Reserve, which is not a government entity, by the way. The Federal Reserve is not. And then we get to independent regulatory agencies. So this is where they’re gonna start going after the communications and commissions bureaus. They’re gonna get over the Exchange Commission, other related agencies, the Trade Commission, the Election Commission, and Onward.

Now, here is an opening statement that has to do with the project 2025, and it’s the transitional project. And this project, and I keep saying project cuz that’s the word that they use for it, but it’s all about how to change the government if Donald Trump is reelected as president. And these things that are in here, Donald Trump supports and these are the things that will happen and people are excited about. Got it. At least the people who wrote this. I mean, look at the first sentence. It says, we want you. The 2025 Presidential Transition Project is the conservative movement’s unified effort to be ready for the next conservative administration to govern at 12 noon on January 20th,2025. Welcome to the mission.

Now, I’m not gonna read the rest of the stuff. It’s here. You can always pause and you can read it. But this should let you know that the things that are gonna be in here, they are ready to put into play at noon on January 20th,2025, after they celebrate their anniversary of January 6.

Now this page here tells us about some of the people who are a part of this project. And there’s some names here at Adam, I don’t know, Canudub, Dustin Carmac, Brandon Carr, and one person here, Benjamin S. Carson, senior MD, best doctor. Ben Carson, if you’re not familiar with him, he was black and he did support black people, I think when he was in his childhood age. But now that he’s become an adult, he blames his wife for spending millions of dollars on furniture that was taxpayers money. And then on top of that, forgot that he was black and well, he joined the Trump administration and has only done bad things.

I mean, the fact that you’re a doctor, but they put you in charge of HUD and housing and Urban Development as opposed to the medical director or like the surge in general because you’re a doctor. I mean, your brain surgeon, you used to be very smart and you did a lot of things. And I Learned about, she was a kid in school and now I’m only disappointed now more about the people who wrote this. So I just want to read this little brief excerpt right at the top.

Just an important scope of the Conservative Promise recommendations, which is another document that was written by people who are conservative, how they want to change things. This book, the referring to Project 2025, is the product of more than 400 scholars and policy experts from across the conservative movement and around the country. Contributors include elected officials, so elected officials, world renowned economists and veterans from four presidential administrations. This is an agenda prepared by and for conservatives who will be ready on Day 1 of the next administration to save our country from the blink brink of a disaster.

Now, that little brief sentiment there is important because this lets you know that people in our current government are part of this. People in the current government, currently elected officials and the main focuses that they want to say are for this project 1 or to restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.

2, dismantle the administrative state and return self government to the American people. 3. Defend our nation’s sovereignty borders in bounty against global threats. And 4, secure our god given individual rights to live freely, what our Constitution calls the blessings of liberty. Okay, so one thing, the blessing of liberty that’s mentioned, the Constitution does not include black people, women, people of color, queer people or anybody who is not a CIS gendered white American male.

Restoring the centerpiece of American life as the family, that is one of those things when it’s just like, hey, you’re gonna say the family. What is the family? The nuclear family, not the LGBTQ+ family. And there’s always this talk about defending our nation’s sovereignty and borders.

Okay? That means you need to stop immigration from countries like Europe. London, is London a country or Europe’s the continent. So like London or like Russia or wherever Melania is from, those places too, need to be a part of what we can consider our borders if we’re really gonna be doing that.

Because this document itself is really just about keeping people from the borders who are brown or black from coming into the country and then also dismantling the administrative state. So they want to ruin the government that is in place because they feel like people should be able to govern themselves the same way they did when they had slaves in these, to govern with people and guns.

Now, this video is already getting kind of long, so I’m gonna stop this one here. I’ll make another part as we go further into the stack, manually break down some of the things that they haven’t really said openly, but a lot of people online are saying the loud power out loud. So like share, follow, comment. I’ll give you guys a part 2 because there’s also another document that I don’t know if you’re familiar with. And if you aren’t, I hope you will be at the end of this video or videos of what this document kind of relates to. Cuz it gets sick, y’all.