Serene Reflections: Conversations of Confidence and Contemplation

You’re wearing white pants. You don’t have anxiety.
Can I stay with you in the Hamptons this summer?
You got a place in the Hamptons?
He just licked his lips and went, no.
That’s awesome, man.
I wish I could just like, decide to be you.
You know what I mean? I like.
I think about that. I’m like,
what if I just become a quiet guy?
There’s so much confidence in that.
Like, okay,
let’s try it.
Okay. Ask me what’s going on.
What’s up? Just start talking to me.
Oh, not much.
Shit. See, I can’t even stay in it.
Nothing. Just chilling. I guess
if you’re quiet, people think you’re smart in a way
or like, cool.
You know something? They don’t.
But I say enough to let you know that, I don’t know,
you’re enjoying something.
You do smile, but you don’t laugh.
You were.
See, I’m all, what? Okay,
I was laughing before. Yeah, you were.
Whatever you say.
Such a beta cock.
What do you do?
What was that?
Did you yawn or come?
That’s what you do to people.