Exciting Basketball Highlights: USA vs Italy Match Analysis

Me up and here’s USA on a 3 on 2
and JT.
I don’t know if they’re going to count that as a follow in or a layup.
Except what Italy has done in moments
and that is taking a look for that.
Hope he was. YouTube.
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Have to take their time to break up this defense,
but United States is so good at it.
Perfect example alley oop from Mendequin to
that was Troy Plumtree with the euro step to the basket.
Jaden Tombs goes up, grabs his own miss.
Can’t put it in through contact,
but Cameron Boozer follows it for the jam.
Oh gives it to Pete. Now it’s Boozer up top,
Boozer with the left hand.
That’s an impressive finish for
Tyron Stokes in for the first time.
Down low for Boozer. The two handed flush.
Maxine Meyer elevating for that to Mandequin to Boozer. He got fouled.