The Costly App: A Humorous Revelation About Tree Identification

You’re telling me for 40 years of wasting my money on an app,
I could have done this? Ha!
Ain’t no way. I don’t know about y’all,
but one question my wife asks me all the time is,
can I touch it? I don’t always know.
I bought an app and I pay a subscription on my phone just for this.
And I found this out the other day just scrolling through my phone.
I had a picture of a tree
and in my phone told me what kind of tree it was.
Show you how it works. So just pull up your phone if you got an iPhone.
Take a picture. Like this vine growing up this tree.
Can I touch it? Take a picture of the leaves.
Pull it up. Get info.
Give it a second. Poison Ivy.
No, you cannot touch it.
What kind of tree is this?
Take a leaf from it. Take a picture.
Info. Give it a second.
Sweet gum. Oh, hey,
that’s a cool plant. What is it?
I don’t have a clue. Take a picture of.
Pull up the picture.
So it’s saying it’s either a sansaveria or a snake plant.
Pull up snipe plant.
That’s what it is.
I wasted so much dag on money on that app.