An Adventure with Bluey: The Car Cleaning Chronicles

Me and Landry are headed to see Bluey.
We are a little bit early, though,
so we’re gonna clean out this atrocious car.
I don’t even know if you can see that,
but I got in my car, and I was like, wow,
I cannot leave my house like this.
So I’m about to unload all my packages and go to the car wash
before we go. At the way this is looking,
we have one of everything in here.
Make it make sense. Please make it make sense.
This goes to my hitch down here.
Okay, the car is clean.
So now we can go to the car wash.
And the car is not clean, but all the valuables are out.
I’m too short for this.
Why is it taking so long to process the work?
So we’re about to back up and go through this other one,
I don’t know. That was taking too long.
I really hope I didn’t just pay for, like,
the car wash and it, like,
start to open in a minute.
I think the kiosk was just broke on that one.
It turns out that I do actually love my car.
It was just dirty. No longer want to trade it in.
Every time my car gets dirty,
I swear, I don’t like the car no more.
That’s literally a problem.
It’s 2:59. Bluey does not get here till 3:30.
So I think me and lander about to go get,
like, a Little snack or something?
I’m not sure what we’re gonna make for supper.
I really don’t wanna get nothing too big.
So we’ll see you later, besties.