Making Connections: Unraveling the Names and Categories

Let’s do connections. We’re finding four groups of four. We’ve got the safety sway sack Bob. No, don’t sack Bob. Bobs. What Bob ever do? Push, pull weight, Rob. That’s what they call the guy at the gym.

Rob at the gym. He’s the push pull weight. Rob, crop, loot, fade, Bobby. Why do we have so many names for the for Robert Clout, shag, raid and hair. So this is obviously a red herring, which makes me think, you know, like when they had SpongeBob Squarepants, each one went in their own category. I think Bob, Rob and Bobby probably do as well.

This is one of the reasons that I don’t shuffle. I get a lot of comments saying I shuffle because they try to trick you with how they place things. Well, if they’re trying to trick you with how they place things, then why would you shuffle?

They’ve literally added information to the puzzle via their placement. You just have to not be tricked by it. All right. So anyway, it’s probably not nicknames for Bobby or nicknames for. I was looking at Bobby. Why?

So that nicknames for Robert, we’ve got Bob, we’ve got sway. Do we have like weave? You got a Bob and weave? Some other Bob and weave dance. All right. Like what else would mean that, though? Honestly, I don’t know. We’ve got a Bobby pin and a safety pin.

Do we just have pins? What are other pins? Hairpin, pull pin, push pin or pull pin? I think push pin make the my brain is telling me push pins a thing, but not pull pin. So let’s see if we get purple first. We got purple first. Blank pin. Nice.

I think that’s one of the easier purples. I think a lot of people are gonna say they got purple first, but we’ll see. I think push pin might be something that’s not quite as commonly known. So you might have to just wait to figure out what that one is. I don’t know.

I still don’t know quite know what it is, but my brain was like, push pin. That’s the thing. I’ve heard that before where I don’t know. People ask me, how do you know that word? I don’t know. I just know the word. Sometimes I don’t even know what it means.

I’ve just heard it. All right. Well, we still have Robin, Bob. So if we focus on those, I think we’ll be. So I don’t know, maybe sack and loot, those feel similar, don’t they?

But then I don’t see anything else for it, like carrying a sack, a loop, I don’t know, maybe not. Okay. Sway and pull and wait and clout are all very similar concepts. Like when you have influence, that’s exactly a category. Influence. Nice. I still haven’t gotten blue even though I’m wearing my blue shirt today, one of many giving me plus 2 to blue.

I’ll explain that cuz I’ve explained it in a bit in Dungeons and Dragons and other RPGs, sometimes you roll a die to see whether something successful and if you have, say a magic item might give you plus 2 to strength or plus 2 to acrobatics, something like that. And if the role is related to strength or acrobatics, then you can, whatever the role is, you can add 2 to it, which gives you an extra chance of success.

So my plus 2 to blue shirt, magic shirt, would anyone be interested in merch that was like the colors of the different connections and then like plus 2 to and then that color. Let me know. Cool. What else do we have here? Let’s look at Rob here. Rob and loot are both stealing terms.

You can sack a place and rate it. Yeah, I think these are all words for stealing plunder. Okay, yeah, sure. So blue is last, fade, shag, crop, and Bob. Oh, these are haircuts. Nice. So I was exactly correct. Bob, Bobby and Rob ended up in three different categories.

And they told us that by placing them all in a stack there, if the first thing you do is you close your eyes and shuffle, you would not have necessarily known that and you might have actually been tricked and thought, hey, these are three nicknames for Robert. Let’s see if we can find the fourth. So I think that was helpful. It’s not always true. Sometimes they do subvert our expectations and actually have those be in the same category, but it’s very rare.

So I think using the information they give us is better than shuffling. What do you think? Give me interactions. Interact with me. TikTok likes it anyway. How do you do?