Adventures with Homies: A Review of Woodstock and Observatory’s Delightful Dagwood

Woodstock and Observatory is always windy and I’m here
gasby time I’m filming in the car now
because this wind in Cape Town is just not a vibe
no sir I’m waiting for a Dagwood that I ordered now from Continental
because I’m going to the homies
I’m gonna go see my homie Franky and Miguel at Sunshine Co
taking them a camera through
because they’re gonna check out some stuff for me
I think I’ll get my
keep my camera clean and just get some advice from Miguel
because I’ve been struggling with a couple of things man
Homie’s gonna help me out and I’m taking food package is secured
it’s here in the back seat and I’m on my way to sunshine now
and the smell is just floating around the inside of the car
I’m freaking hungry
so we’ve got my homie already diving into the Gatsby
there’s my homie Frankie two shots
that is the Continental Dagwood what
I haven’t even looked at this yet what’s in here?
So it’s steak chips there’s a F
there’s a H d cable in and a and 3 chip
and this is Migs over here sorting out my gears
he come assist me with a Mister Min May bro I got in the cupboard
I could have done this for the house
does it yeah
sensor cleaner
you see he’s always always flexing on me my bro always flexing me
I came in here and I was talking about my 64 gig s d card and he was
I shot 5,000 terabytes of footage on Saturday and I had to
this is what I had to deal with with these guys anyway
this is a food review that’s the gas we got
we gonna dive into this now
now and then we gonna talk about that okay
we gonna eat so long because Migs is busy working there on my stuff
I don’t know what he’s doing there
but he’s just busy with expensive things steak is very lekker
is it holy it’s perfect now Carbro’s have you tried Carbro’s yet
here I was a choice between Continental and Carbro’s
I’d have tried Carbro’s and they slap DIT is
de steak half 1 that steak is killer yoh
that flavour on that steak is good
now why you make me go fetch it
you make me go fetch you said no
yes sis egg cheese
chips sauce steak
the whole movie saw this is a Dagwood and I’m falling
whatever chips fall stays here mmm mmm
it’s very lekker I like the roll you like the roll
nice and soft the chips are lekker mmm
steak is nice and tender listen to me just take a message for me now
after this I go straight to studio to sleep goodnight
if you had to now Frankie
give this a score out of 10 what number would you give it?
I was gonna give a high score but because I only Get one piece
I’ll give it a 7 but that’s not the gas please bro
we had to all share oh okay
coz normally I when I test I use the whole one it’s a proper test
you can’t finish my Bru you’re so sad
you can’t finish the whole gas please
but yeah
I’ll give it a eight I’m gonna go seven and a half 8 it’s very good
it’s got everything on there
it’s a good sauce there’s a nice heat to it
little bit of a masala flavour in there also eggs
cheese chips sauce
steak the whole movie star guys
check them out this this Gatsby is 195 rand I think
which is a little bit on the expensive side when it comes to Gatsby’s
but that’s sort of um
industry standard for like everybody in the pool
here’s mix finally sitting down enjoying his Gatsby
so you were a Carlos is your your spot of choice?
Ne recently now Continental’s always been in my heart yeah,
specifically because they also delivered to book up okay
Continental has always been my place
I’ve just been experimenting lately sorry
Continental I’ve just been experimenting lately
it’s been cause I’ve been there too much they need variety yeah,
I need variety but you know what’s the homies
always with the hearties always always so that is continental
we’ve reviewed them before
but this is just for the homies hope you guys enjoy it
go check it out this Was the Dagwood Lekker.