Deer-Proofing My Garden: A Greenhouse Transformation Adventure

So all week long you’ve watched me talk about my garden
just being disintegrated at the hands of deer.
And all week long, I’m not gonna lie,
you guys are awesome. You gave me so many suggestions.
But here’s the problem. I mean,
garden in about 27 years and about every one of y’all dropped.
I’ve tried. Here’s the thing about deer.
And there’s one thing I know from being an Arkansas girl.
Once some deer find out where your garden’s at,
it’s only a matter of time.
You’re gonna put in things in place,
they’re gonna figure that out,
they’re gonna come back.
They’re never not gonna come back until you have a.
A big old fence with a top over it.
Or um,
you just move. Those are my options.
So this year I got a little wiser.
I was like, wait a minute.
Just wait them to your out.
Have a little patience. Okay,
so I want you to imagine this.
Them deer eating all that good organic food.
They’re pre seasoning their bodies just in time for bow season.
To which my little hunter buddy that’s gonna be back there,
pew pew, taking care of my problem.
What am I gonna do? Because wait a minute, Megan,
doesn’t your frost date come in October?
How are you gonna garden? Hahaha. Wait, hold that thought.
She weighs as much as I do.
She is my baby. What is she,
a 20 by 30, 14 mil greenhouse tarp? Plastic.
And, um,
we’re gonna stretch her over those T posts
quite like we did the shade cloth.
And we’re gonna garden plumb into December.
If you can’t tell,
I’m feeling mighty confident in my cleverness right now.
But ask me how this worked out in December.
Okay, but now the honey is here with ice for the distiller and a fan
so we can blow that hundred degree temperature right in my face.
I just realized I left some loose ends there.
You’re probably like, well,
how are you gonna heat it?
Because it does get colder than just the frost.
Hot composting, just like we did in the greenhouse.
Hot composting is gonna raise it 20 to 30 degrees.
Let’s go ahead to the garden and cover up the other loose ends.
Now, you seen how the shade cloths are stretched out there,
and you’re probably thinking, well,
that’s greenhouse plastic.
Wouldn’t that pokey hole in it.
Yeah, I’m gonna stick some foam over it,
baby. Foam.
Oh, we got other upgrades too,
back there. I mean,
got to show y’all rain barrel.
But right now we got storm damage stuff to take care of.
And basil essential oil to make.
And so, see,
perfect place for ADHD person to thrive.
So just in case you’re not picking up what I’m putting down,
we’re gonna convert this to a greenhouse over the winter
so I can take continue to garden.
We’re gonna pull all these potted plants
like The lime tree and the Meyer lemon inside that bad boy? Yes