Inspiration from Office Content Creators: A Guide to Work-Appropriate Fashion Choices

The reason that all of these kids are getting in trouble
for the clothing that they’re wearing to the office
is because they’re getting their inspiration from content creators,
not from actual 9 to 5 workers.
There are so many fashion creators that are creating,
9 to 5 office inspo that have never touched an office in their lives.
I’m incredibly fortunate. I work in the arts,
which means that my wardrobe gets to be a bit more loosey
goosey than other people’s,
but I still have to be, like,
appropriate for my admin office.
Every day I just gets to be, like,
more bright and fun. Gogo boots are a staple of my wardrobe.
But I’ll give you some advice.
Don’t look at content creators who create stuff based on fashion.
Look at office content creators.
There are a lot of very talented content creators on this
and other apps that talk about how to present yourself
appropriately in an office setting.
Get a cute pair of slacks that fit you well.
Get a couple nice tops, wear fun shoes,
get a fun bag, get some fun accessories.
But your Shein
mini skirt is not the thing that you need to be wearing to the office.
Open back top should not be touching your admin office.
Wearing a blazer with nothing underneath can get you fired.
Think about the rules that you had to follow when you were in school
for your school dress code
when it comes To modesty and then just apply it to workwear.
If you want to see a week’s worth of outfits
of something that is considered work appropriate,
but still something that, like,
someone who’s fun and creative would wear in an office setting,
I will happily put that together for you.
But, dear god,
I am seeing too many young people on this app wear incredibly,
incredibly inappropriate things to work and wrecking their chances.
Because these are talented,
smart young people.
Do not destroy your possibility of work at your internship
because you want to wear a cute little top that you found online.
I know you want to be the change,
but you’re an intern. Just dress how your boss wants you to.