Mastering the Art of Meetings: A Humorous Take on LinkedIn and Resume Updates

why do we waste so much time updating our LinkedIn and resume
with all the things we have done before uh
when in fact
we can just say hey
we do meetings we know you need me to do meetings
we can do meetings we can do meetings early in the morning
we can do them throughout the day
we can do meetings where we are having meetings with other people
we can do meetings where we’re telling other people what to do in the meetings
which is go have more meetings
we can have meetings about meetings
we can have meetings where we discuss how we shouldn’t have so many meetings
we’re qualified test meetings
we’ve done meetings from 91 to 98
and then again we’ve done meetings from this one job to this another job
like that’s all you care about
that’s all the job is so I can do it
like we don’t need a resume and interviews
uh interview is just a test meeting to see if I can do meetings