Reflections of Community and Change: A Garden-inspired Weekly Spread

today’s weekly spread is inspired by this garden story sticker sheet I found
which brought back so many memories
as this was one of the first games I worked on
welcome to plan with me where we get our lives together
and reflect just a little bit before the week begins
also hello
I’m Kim Chica and not only do I love to journal
I wanna help you find your next favourite game
and I love to highlight games that spark curiosity
bring joy and help us think about the world we live in
Garden Stories a game about community and local impact
you play a little grape named Concord
who goes on a journey to address the problem of rot
that’s spreading throughout the growth
it’s a lovely action adventure game about personal growth
and the power of mobilizing community for local change
this focus on community is a nice
connecting thread to my big event for this week
XOXO a festival in Portland
about bringing together folks who create things online
in an in person community space
I also got to help showcase Garden Story at the XOXO arcade years ago
so it’s kind of a full circle moment
as this is the last year the show will be happening
it’s interesting to see how communities
whether communities around a specific event like XOXO or more daily
long term communities form
come together evolve and even disband and create something new
I’ve noticed especially coming into the fall
I’m so excited for fall
the spaces and communities I’m a part of have started to shift and expand a bit
lately I’m gradually easing myself into dancing again
really loving my local gym community
and trying to meet other folks who enjoy crochet and yarn crafts
it’s nice and honestly kind of inspiring to have a little bit of that change
especially as I foster new interest in rekindle old ones
but that’s enough of a ramble
here’s the outline for the week to help me get started
and I hope this little check in helped you reflect
and settle in for the week ahead