Pivo Recruitment Call for Youth Basketball Team – Join us for R 3 and Beyond!

The Instead team continues its recruitment
and this time we will need a Pivo.
Are you Pivo?
Do you want to play in R 3?
This video is for you!
The U 15 and U 17 team is looking for 1 Pivo.
The U 15 will play the tqr and the U 17 the tqd.
The U 15 to play in R 3
while you decide,
visas are
Cut in the.
You’re accepted.
Whatever your level,
the club of rather will take care of training you
and to make you play at the highest level.
if you were born between two thousand nine and two thousand eleven
and you are 1m 90,
come to the selection.
It will take place on Thursday 22nd at 6pm.
So come in large numbers and don’t be afraid,
even if you are a beginner,
we need you.
From the moment you are about 5’9″ tall,
you are accepted and at worst,
That will make you 1 workout.
So don’t hesitate to come.
And you,
do you want to play 1 R 3?
R 4 ?
What level do you play?
Tell me in the comments,
it’s very interesting.
And how many of you are taller than 90 meters,
see 1m 90 at that age ?
It’s rare,
but I know that there are some
to many who watch this video
and that can come.
If you make 187,
come anyway.
If you think you’re 185 but jumping high,
comes anyway below.
From a meter 85,
forget it,
you’ll flunk at the entrance.
I say it like that,
the address is now.