Unlocking the Power of Photography: A Journey with Micaela Sling and iStore

when you know better you do better
and this is why we joined Micaela Sling’s Photography Tour
in collaboration with the iStore this weekend
anyone can shoot content but shooting content with storytelling in mind
and capturing the best shots sometimes needs to be improved on
the iStore meet was a free training and photo tour
giving us a chance to explore how to capture incredible content
and edit using just our phones
no external apps
especially with the new devices coming out
it’s so important to learn how to get the most out of your Apple devices
because otherwise what’s the point
the istore also offers free individual training
when you make a device purchase
we’ve basically been building a team of trainers internally but also influencers
that we partner with who use the product
who understand it more than most people
who really know how to use
those little tips and tricks on how to get the best out of their
their different devices