DNC Creators Platform: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Exciting Delegates and Performances

alright it’s Monday night
and we’re here on the floor of the DNC on the Creators Platform
this is the very first time that they’re having creators this close to the stage
to cover all the action now
something that you might miss if you weren’t in the know
is that there are phones at each one of the states stations
this is for the delegates to call in their votes
and then just above the phones is a microphone
each state has their own microphone
and this is where the representative will stand to say
the great state of Minnesota gives X number of delegates to Harris Walls
as you can see the stage is right there
then we’ve got the creator’s platform
the floors where all the delegates sit
and then up there is where the regular press is
and this is what it looks like from behind the scenes of the press room
this is our creator lounge
where they gave us these really adorable cookies
there’s one in the shape of the Harris Walls hat
the merch was pretty good inside
but for me I always like the outside merch
I think those people are hustling and they had great stuff
here’s me in the creator lounge
this is our view for the next couple days
who’s that down there is that
yes it is
yes it is
James Taylor and he was singing you’ve got a friend
I’m so overwhelmed but I’m so excited