The Illusion of Attraction: Deconstructing Facial Structure Rizz

Actually, that man doesn’t have rizz.
That man doesn’t have rizz.
That’s just a hot man. He has facial structure rizz.
He has. He has genetic predisposition rizz.
If an ugly man came up to you
and said the same thing that that attractive man just said to you
as a pickup line, you would put your dog down,
cause you wouldn’t want it to live in a world that could be so cruel.
You would say, I’m so sorry, Fido.
I’m gonna miss you so much,
but I can’t let you live in this existence anymore
knowing that someone who looks like a toad would say that to me.
People can’t have rizz. They have auto rizz.
And if you don’t believe me,
let’s put it to the test. Close your eyes for a second, okay?
I promise this is only gonna take a second. Okay?
Close your eyes. You’re at a bar with your friends.
You go outside to have a cigarette.
You only smoke when you’re drinking.
You’re out there in the smoking section,
and someone comes up next to you and asks you for a light.
And he lights his cigarette and he takes a drag and says, hey,
did you know that in Denmark,
it’s a sign of attraction to blow smoke in someone else’s face?
And you say, really?
Is that true? And he goes,
yeah, it’s true.
Okay, I think we can agree that that’s an objectively good pickup line.
It’s sexy, it’s Funny.
It’s cute. It’s original.
Now open your eyes. This is who said it to you.
Still excited? That’s a hard boiled egg with eyes.
You’d be like, shouldn’t you be in a salad somewhere