Revolutionizing Business Tech: The Future of Customizable AI Software Solutions

here is an interesting take on what the future may hold with AI
and tech in business currently in a lot of businesses
they’re using lots of different tech that may not speak to each other
but they’re all not really super customizable to your business
and if it is specific to your industry
it may often there not be very hard to connect it with other apps
so here’s the idea that I saw from y combination
they were saying that in the future
we may have tech where it’s like an out of the box
standard template that gets customized to every other company
so every company will have a customized software for their particular business
instead of what we currently have
where we have to get our business
to fit into the box of whatever the app or tool is offering us
if you told me this a couple years ago
I probably wouldn’t have believed you
but with Claude say artifacts being able to build like mini tools
I could probably now see a lot of companies having customized software
like your CRM your email marketing software
your link in bio products
meeting links all in the one software
is this ID too far fetched or can you see this happening let me know in the