Unveiling Puffin Planes: A Gem Among Free Games for Gaming Youtubers

As a gaming Youtuber,
one of the most common things I get is hey Senegal,
do you get your games for free?
And a lot of people think that us gaming Youtubers do.
It’s a common misconception,
but I ain’t gonna sit here and lie and say that we don’t.
I do get multiple emails a day going yo Senegal,
here’s a free steam key, take it, enjoy!
And 95% of the games I get sent for free are not very good.
But that 5% you do find a gem
and let me show you this one that I got
and I’ve really really do like it
and I highly recommend checking it out when it does get released.
It’s not sponsored.
Unless you class them giving me for free is sponsored,
then I assume then this is sponsored, right?
So add down below it’s not an ad,
I just really like the game.
But add if you’re not already,
go to YouTube and subscribe to your boy seniac.
Quality gaming, uh,
content and um.
Yeah, appreciate it.
Love you. Bye.
So I love all games transport related
and a developer sent me a key for a game called Puffin Planes
where you’re able to create your very own airline company
and there’s a bunch of different game modes within it
and you’re able to fly to different destination.
Let me show you. Let me show you this.
So as you can see here, this is the map in the Game
I’ve started at London
and what I can do is I can drag a flight to Madrid,
because that’s the only other city
out of these ones I currently have unlocked.
I can choose what plane I wanna fly there to.
You can see the destination of it,
which that’s the radius that plane can fly,
which is within the radius.
So I can select that plane,
I can start the plane and give it a moment or two.
Let me kind of fast forward this a little bit,
and then you’ll start to see the plane.
If I zoom in, flying now on this,
you can pretty much, uh,
see how many people are waiting right now.
There’s like 25, 30 people waiting in Madrid.
The plane’s currently now flying,
and you can pretty much see how profitable that line is
then going to become.
And it keeps flying back and forth and busy, busy, busy.
You can eventually upgrade the airports.
You can see the demand coming from them.
Uh, upgrades the planes,
uh, which is no planes there because we have none store at the moment.
It’s currently flying. You can unlock new planes.
These are all the kind of stuff you can do to kind of change stuff
and unlock cool things and add upgrades to the existing planes.
I really like it. Now,
if I continue playing,
if I also fly to Stockholm now,
we’re gonna have a connecting flight.
So if I was In Stockholm
and I went to demand.
London is direct, Madrid is a connecting flight.
But now my airline company is hustling.
And a bustling fun little game
and I have played it quite a bit.
I have a second channel called Senic 2 where I’m doing a series on it.
Like I said, it’s not sponsored,
but I think technically it is sponsored cause they gave it to me.
And I’m talking about it, but I’m only talking about it cause I like it,
not because they paid me. They didn’t pay me,
okay, guys,
but I still put ad cause, you know,
they still gave me for free.
Um, I’m hoping I’ve made that now aware to everyone.
So don’t come at me going, oh, I.
They did not pay me, okay?
Leave me alone. Also,
love you. See you soon. Bye.
they didn’t pay me.
Kind of.