Embracing Your Voice: The Power of Content Creation and Personal Storytelling

Just getting a camera, using your phone,
and walking around the house
and practice talking to the phone.
You don’t need to post it.
Maybe after doing that for a week or two,
kind of just telling your story and getting used to talking to a phone.
I know it’s awkward at first,
but I truly feel that everyone needs.
Everyone has a story, everyone has a voice.
And it’s not just for just.
It does. Content creating is not just for a chosen few.
It’s. I truly believe it’s for everybody.
And I feel like it’s a good way to, uh,
document, you know,
your life. What I think is really cool is,
you know, 10 years from now,
20 years from now, I can look back and see how Casey’s mindset was 10,
15 years ago, and I think that’s just gold. Right?
We only live once, and if you can document and just learn to just.
I know it may be a lot, it could be uncomfortable,
or you don’t like hearing your voice.
Who cares? Who gives a damn?
If you could just simply, like,
document your life and, you know,
look back at it 10, 15,
20 years from now, how cool would that be?