Building a Strong Foundation: The Power of Self-Worth in Dating and Relationships

Hey, guys.
You must have enough self worth to be particular
about who you want to spend the rest of your life with.
And so if she’s the one doing the scrutinizing,
asking all the questions on the dates,
and you know why she’s asking the questions
to know if you are worth her time or not,
then something is wrong. So on the dates,
ask questions, you know,
to know if she really loves the Lord,
if she really loves people,
if she has a compelling dream in life.
You should have enough self worth personally
to also throw questions out there.
And then here is the flip side.
She’s more likely to be attracted to you
when she sees you as a person with high values
who knows what he wants. So feel free to say,
you know what, I always imagined and prayed
that I would end up with such and such a person.
This is the kind of woman I want.
And you say that respectfully,
not in an obnoxious way, obviously,
but in a respectful way. When a lady sees a guy who knows what he wants,
it just raises her level of respect and attraction on those dates.
Ask questions, too.