From Club to Couple: A Love Story of Steve and Lisa

Excuse me. Sorry.
Are you two a couple? Yes,
we are. Would you mind telling me the quick story of how you first met?
I saw you on YouTube. We met at, um,
a club. What happened at the club?
Well, I saw him,
and we danced, and I went back to the club looking for him.
Took him, like,
almost two years to come back to the club.
But I didn’t know it was him.
I recognized her. She didn’t recognize me.
I recognized him. Okay.
I asked her to dance. She act like she didn’t know me.
So when she did see me in the backyard,
when I went back there to smoke,
she said, oh, Steve.
I said, don’t Steve me.
When I asked you to dance,
you didn’t want to dance, you know?
But I was just playing with.
I was gonna dance with it anyway.
So after that, and almost 13 years later,
we’re still together.
What advice would you give to a couple that just met in a club
and wanna make it 13 years together?
Just be yourself and trust in one another.
And talk and make each other laugh.
Have fun. Yeah.
Don’t be too serious. What are you two most excited for in the future?
Grow old together? Yes.
Growing old together. To know that I have someone there.
I know he’s the guy for me.
And do you remember what song was playing in the club?
But you were the Sunshine in my life.
That’s the song. And what are your names?
My name is Steve. And I’m Lisa