In the Dark with Shrimp and Broccoli: A Comedy of Batteries and Food

Go! Let’s go!
let’s get dressed.
Like It is my life!
You have a very,
very nice body ma’am,
I’m jealous.
Well, that’s why
Do you play any sports?
I don’t.
Ah, are you walking?
We’re not running?
is she cut out?
we’re going for a dog walk now.
Oh no, we’ll eat.
but it’s the dog that eats,
not you.
Not interesting.
What is it
in the plastic bag ?
I’m out of battery guys,
we will try to finish the video.
I don’t know if you’ll see me dark like that
or if you,
it will be normal,
but I’m all in dark,
I can hardly see anything anymore.
Is that okay?
We’ll try to finish the video.
I’m out of boat.
Was she eating here?
It’s broccoli,
it’s chocolates.
I don’t see what it is.
I’m out of battery.
Don’t see.
It makes 1 very very weird mixture.
It’s shrimp.
Ah, that’s so cool!
I recognized it,
there is 1 green one.
Even if it’s dark there,
it’s green,
I see it.
So it’s shrimp.
I love shrimp too much,
but not with broccoli,
with pasta,
with pasta.
Too good!
With 1 good fresh cream there.
Although I can’t stand fresh cream anymore,
I ate too much.
My stomach is telling me,
no no no no no,
Are you sick afterwards?
ah already. Ah well,