Repairing a Melted Compressor Starter: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hey, welcome back to the channel where this one is pissing me off.
Twice this week I have absolutely blown the starter on this compressor.
Come and have a look at this.
Look at the plastic. It’s melted it this time.
It’s making a buzzing noise when you turn the power on
and it keeps tripping the fuse.
Don’t throw it away, it’s still perfect.
All you need to do is change what I am about to show you
and then that will solve all the problems for you.
On your plate there. Just remove the 4 screws at the top of it
and then I will show you what to replace.
Look at that. It’s absolutely took the wires as well.
And that is cause I use the compressor to sand and to paint.
It’s the biggest compressor I can use.
Um on a 2 40 volt.
Ideally I could do with a bigger compressor
but I can’t plug it in in my booth.
I haven’t actually got the power
so I’ve only can plug in a two 40.
So all you would do you would put the 60 ohms,
four 50 volts and then you will find one of these.
You can get them from Amazon.
They come in a two pack on Amazon for about a tenner.
But to be honest with you,
I don’t think Amazon ones are that good.
Not can. Not compared to the original ones.
Like I says, I’ve completely blown all that So.
So, yeah,
I will change that now and I will get the compressor working again
now that I have changed the starter.
We’ve got rid of the old burnt out one,
we’ve put the new one in. Now that buzzing noise because we blew it.
If you listen.
And that is all you need to do.